Monday, July 18, 2016

The One With The Deep Brown Eyes

 "I tiptoed away from 'Yes' for most of my life, 
till I got someplace far away 
from its tensions and its radiance. 
Tonight I am grateful for the harrowing, 
enlivening task of tiptoeing back."
Maddie Privott

A young woman, Madeline Privott, has blessed my life many times over.  Her ethnic beauty is readily noticeable, but her complex and creative thinking is often deeply hidden.  Quick to humor or lend a helping hand, she remains reserved around those who are not yet friends.

This young woman can be compared to the remarkable patterns in a kaleidoscope: professional level appearance yet self-conscious; withdrawn but particularly observant; seeking and receiving; humorous but in depth perceptions; and light hearted but cerebral.   Depending upon the twist of the kaleidoscope, differing and beautiful aspects appear.  The same is true about this exceptional soul.

When I observe sweet Maddie, I am amazed at all of the insight stored within her heart.  Musician, profound writer, and determined student with endless wisdom.  I cannot fathom how diverse the unfolding of her life will be, but I rest my endless hope for the next generation comfortably in her lovely artistic hands.

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