Friday, July 15, 2016

Ball of String

"Of the many factors that shape our lives ---
geographical location, family dynamics, resources and influence,
beliefs, self-concept, support systems, motivation, relationships,
luck, karma, or fate --- our sense of self-worth is the single most
important determinant of the health, abundance and joy
we allow into our life.
Dan Millman
Master of the Path of thee Peaceful Warrior

When we  begin to understand the relationship between self-worthiness and perceptions of the mind, we are able to improve our health, faith, and prosperity.  Expanding our vision, surveying the entire landscape, we begin to untangle the ball of string, noticing the start of the string is clutched in our own hand.

If we are unhappy in any given situation, we can ask ourselves what action we chose when we  began to knot our piece of string.  Did we accept a lesser than situation or settle for an undesirable position? Were we not attentive to the needs of  our body, mind or soul?  Have we ignored our passion or desire, honoring someone other than ourselves?  Where was our motivation or how accurate was our intention?

Admittedly, chaos can suddenly appear, but we begin to untangle the mess by leaning in ... towards our own abilities and strengths.   We are empowered to take action. We do not stay trapped in the role of a victim nor do we remain dependent upon others.  We make choices to create a more positive change or outcome.

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