Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Wounded Heart

"When we expand the lens of our heart with kindness,
we may see an aspect of it that we had not considered before."
Mitch Davidowitz

We cannot help how we feel, but we do have choice as to how we react. We may become defensive or critical rather than staying in the moment to explore what is triggering us. The generous kindness we offer to friends in need aught to be applied to the self as well. It is harmful to withhold or deny what we experience.

In support of others, we hold safe space where experiences can be expressed without censorship. As a good friend, we don't shame or blame. The very same aught to be true for ourselves. Just being quietly present can be healing in itself. There is a need to accept our deep feelings even though they are different from family or friends.

It is empowering to be in the presence of a listener who does not have an agenda. By extending love to us, we are able to share our deepest sorrows and how they impact the present moment. While being generous with compassion, safety and healing are offered to the wounded  heart. 

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