Sunday, September 24, 2023

Meal For The Ego

"How starved you must have been that my heart
became a meal for your ego."
Amanda Torroni

There are those who do not immediately present as a narcisstic personality. We may find them to be charismatic, not fully realizing the depth of their self-adoration. They are such experts at manipulation and control, we may not realize how we are being shifted by their charm. We innocently fall under their spell.

Specifically, men who are narcisstic thrive on relationships with women who are generally loving and caring. Innocent ladies wishing to please, lavish words and deeds not realizing they are feeding the ego of a self-absorbent male. They continue to give until trapped, slowly realizing they are now totally empty.

Gathering strength, the disillusioned woman approaches the narcisstic man about unfair treatment. Master at his game, he lavishes criticism and judgment upon his prey who then feel everything has been her fault. The cycle continues as the demoralized woman strives to do better. Unfortunately, the male continues to thrive while the woman is left broken.


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