Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Introduction To The Self

"Travel far enough, you meet yourself."
David Mitchell 

Access your lovely self with kindness. Have you changed during the last year? If so, what triggered you? Perhaps there was a process from disruption which eventually lead to improvement. What did it feel like for you to step out of your comfort zone? Maybe you moved out of denial or avoidance into the challenge of the unfamiliar.

While you navigate through the process of change are you mindful of who your teachers have been? With the passing of time are you able to see the significance of the pain you endured? When you look back, can you decipher a pattern that once helped you, but no longer serves a positive purpose?

Think of a person who brings you joy and create an expressive way to show them how much you appreciate them. Pinpoint a place where you feel nurtured and inspired. When was the last time you visited it? Orchestrate significant ways you can integrate these people and places into your life to enhance your daily living. 


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