Saturday, September 2, 2023

Acquiescing to Needs


"To heal and grow, to live and love, 
boundaries are vital"
Lee Harris

Our boundaries need to be deeply rooted, prepared to face strong winds (blow hards), unexpected floods (emotions), and unnecessary excavations (invasive takers). The inner voice, however, can be the most damaging, triggering fear and disengagement. If we can become resilient to defending our personal truth, our growth prevails.

Declaring our personal boundaries is linked to truth telling.  It is imperative to say 'no' when we mean 'no' without acquiescing to the needs of others. Extending loving kindness is essential, but never at a cost of the self. The more we use our voice in alignment with body, mind, and soul, our energy strengthens.

Old patterns of discord will continuously appear, until we have cultivated our root system to withstand objection. Although it is necessary to be open to change, one must stand firmly in his or her belief system. In order to do so, one must have clarity regarding personal wants and needs. Truth increases energy to withstand the storms of life.

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