Monday, September 25, 2023

Sit This One Out

"It's okay to feel broken. You don't have to pretend
anymore. You don't have to be strong today."
Alex Elle

Life continuously brings us lessons that prompt us to respond through personal choice. Does our body stiffen against the odds or do we crumble and fall envisioning total ruin? The manner in which we choose to react not only impacts ourselves but those around us as well. Where is our compass leading after we have crashed and become broken?

Feeling broken is not the issue. What really is at hand is our response moving us forward. Do we want to gather broken pieces and cart them along or do we want to take a deep breath while we search for something new. Putting the pieces back together may not necessarily return to their original place. 

We do not have to be strong all of the time. If we are muscling ourselves forward, we are missing gifts that linger along the way. What would happen if we set the pause button and allowed Spirit to intervene? Just for today, let someone else take the lead. Take a time out or sit this one out.


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