Tuesday, October 11, 2022

With Eyes Wide Open


"Whatever our situation, the progression ~ sudden or gradual ~
is the same to remember, to let go and to trust the process."
Stephen Levine 

This morning, I am setting my ego on a time-out chair, releasing the illusion that I have any sense of control. There is a strong sense of vulnerability when we decide to give up our preconceived expectations, allowing to let situations to simply unfold.

How foolish of me to think I know better than the prompts written across the face of a stranger or to ignore the wisdom floating in the wind.  Why do I request intervention when I mindlessly move forward in automatic pilot mode?

If I choose to truly regroup, this requires me to stop resisting and to refrain from using my creative juices to paint all situations with fear.  Removing my armor, I can choose to open my heart and to lean in, trusting Sacred Spirit has a plan for me.  With eyes wide open, I will see beyond my misperceptions and with my bare feet, gently tread upon the new path opening before me..

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