Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wherever You Can

"If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give,
that which I considered to be the most useful to the men in our country,
I should simply say:  in the name of God, stop a moment, 
cease your work, look around you."
Leo Tolstoy

During my career days, I would sleep late on Sunday mornings, wake up whenever, put on the coffee, and dash out of the condo to the neighboring gas station to buy a Sunday morning newspaper.  It was a ritual of sorts.  Admittedly, I would browse through the inserts first and then read the paper from front page to back.

Wandering through the newspaper kept me updated on the world government and local news.  I enjoyed knowing what was going on in my community and allowed me to feel as though I had one foot in the 'real' world.

Now, abhorrent visuals, graphic descriptions, and undocumented stories are readily available, and I want no part of them.  It is enough to know that children are in dire situations scarring them emotionally for life.  People are starving, while others lose their jobs and/or living space. Through  extending love, light, and prayers out into the world, I attempt to remain aligned.  Please, 'look around you' and help wherever you can.

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