Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Forever Action

"An act of kindness may take only a moment of our time, 
but when captured in the heart of the memory it lives forever."
Molly Friedenfield
The Book of Simple Human Truths

It is our nature to be kind, but it is hampered by fear.  Even when we are competent, our ego can talk us out of most anything.  I believe it is called second guessing.  Understood, there are gestures that are too impulsive, but our reaction to a person in need comes from our heart.

Once my young son was lost in a busy city mall.  He wandered out of the store we were in, but sought out a police man who immediately and kindly brought him to the mall office and had me paged.  Stopped at a red light, my car was rear ended by a speeding old barge of a Cadillac.  Within seconds, a kind woman tapped on my window and asked if I were hurt and to tell me she had called the police.  I have no idea where she came from or who she was.

Maybe we are just doing our job or our selfless gesture is slight, but to the recipient, the action is forever. We may not have unlimited funding to financially impact a life, but we all have the ability to lift our hand as an act of kindness.  Besides, it is so fun to help and then quickly fade away.  To be anonymous allows us to feel like a kid again!

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