Saturday, December 22, 2012


In order to see birds
it is necessary to become
part of the silence.
Robert Lynd

 Not that long ago in smaller towns, businesses would close for at least an hour at lunch time so people could go home for lunch and rest.  In the Mexican culture, there were Siestas every day.  The English have their tea time mid-afternoon.  Native American Indians experienced life unfolding on "Indian time" which meant the element of time had very broad boundaries.    And what can we say about our own culture in this time and space? 

Once I read in a business summary that American culture took a huge step forward by mastering the computer as it easily reduced the length of time necessary to perform daily tasks.  The unfortunate piece was instead of using the extra time to rest and refurbish, they just filled the open space with more work, taxing their bodies and minds even farther.

We have fast food, drive-up windows, and express lanes.  Do these help us have more quality time with our family and friends or do these conveniences simply provide time to over extend our already busy schedules.  The sad thing is we are not even necessarily aware of what we are doing to our bodies, minds, and spirits.  Fast has become the norm.

While visiting New York City this last summer with my daughter, the harsh noises were overwhelming ... grating on my nerves.  Every day we would walk miles and miles shopping, exploring, and wandering in Central Park.  The day we visited Central Park, I realized how long it had been since I had seen trees, heard birds, and actually saw the expanse of the sky.

I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and I am thankful for the experience of living in such an exciting city with so many offerings for experiences,  entertainment and learning.  I realize though how much I have changed over the years, and how much more private or quiet time I need for my soul.  I now learn through silence in nature and the solitude of meditation or prayer.  Privacy to journal or reading is a requirement not a preference. 

Years are spent rushing around seeking what we finally find when we learn to be still.  To sit with our self and really listen to our heart's desire.  To comprehend that our body is screaming for us to stop and rest.  What we seek is found when we slow down.  What we have been searching for resides within.  Be still ... listen for the guidance of Divine Spirit ... relax into peace and calm.

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