Sunday, December 30, 2012

No Resolutions, Just One Promise

Go ahead, struggle through it.
Pick up the pen already and put it to the page and stop whining. Write.

Pick up the brush and be mean to yourself for a change, paint.

Dancers, put on the loose chemise, tie the ribbons in your hair,
at your waist, or on your ankles and tell the body to take it from there. Dance.

Actress, playwright, poet, musician, or any other.
Generally, just stop talking, Don’t say one more word unless you’re a singer.

Shut yourself in a room with  ceiling or in a clearing under the sky.

Do your art.

Generally, a thing cannot freeze if it is moving.
So move.
Keep moving.

~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

As the end of the year approaches we can not help but recall some of the resolutions we made in previous years, but never followed through.  Some of us will have lists of anticipated mastering while others may only have a few.  Either way, seldom are we truly successful in following through.

Let me suggest not making any resolutions.  Just make one promise to our self, and if we mindfully honor it, all else will fall into place.  If we respectfully keep the promise, we will navigate through the year with numerous accomplishments and a greater sense of self.

And what is this magical promise?  To thine own self be true. 

Think about it!  If we are monitoring our selves and really  feeling deeply within  how situations or people impact our behaviors, we use our sense of self as the measuring stick.

If we pay attention to our thoughts:

I really do not enjoy my work.
Instead of a goal to discover new employment with our crazy economic situation, begin my visualizing the kind of job where you would be challenged, creative, and happy.  Be excited about it and network with others.  Experience how this makes you feel more in control of your life and how hope stimulates how you feel inside.

My living space is unacceptable.
Instead of making a goal, begin to imagine what you may want or need to feel comfortable.  In your mind's eye, see your self happy, safe, and inspired in a new surrounding.  Be aware of how this allows the experience of calm and contentment.  Tell others what you might want to find.  Take random walks or different routines of driving and you may just discover a sign. 

I have out grown my relationships, I need new friends.
It is important to acknowledge how people make you feel.  Do they drain you or excite you?  It seems judgmental to say your friends are no longer meeting your needs, but wanting to expand your circle is not wrong.  We develop new interests or long for deeper friendships.  Just pay attention to those you come in contact with in your daily routine.  Frequently we are simply overlooking someone as we do not take the time to respect or honor those around us.  Attempt to learn more about these people and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.  Let your feelings be your guide.

Whenever we set goals, they can almost feel burdensome from the get go.   We can make a list, misplace it, or forget about it entirely.  If we simply listen to our selves, we will know what we want and deal with it in the present moment.   It isn't about daily planners, calendars or time management.  If we remain present in the moment aware of our true nature, we will create a richer way of living by appreciating what we beckon into our life moment to moment.

Just one promise:  Be in the moment with your beautiful self!

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