Sunday, December 9, 2012

Error In Our Thinking

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have a potential to turn a life around. It's overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt.
Leo Buscaglia

We are seldom confronted with opportunities for greatness, but we are surrounded daily by circumstances to make a difference.  We make the mistake of waiting for some situation to appear needing our intervention.  We know in our hearts that we are willing and able to help, if the right time just came along.  And therein lies the error of our thinking.

By adjusting our thinking, we can make a difference all day long.  When we wake up of the morning, we can use affirmations or prayers requesting  to be filled with loving kindness to be distributed all day long.  Through creative visualization, we can see and feel our body filling up with golden loving light.  Thus prepared, we face our day, excited about where we will project this light without request or obvious signs of need. 

Throughout our day, we can extend this light to anyone we pass or come in contact with whether it is in the coffee shop or grocery store.  We exchange kindness through handshakes, slight nods, or eye contact.  Even through small phrases of "Thank you" or "Have a great day" can help you dispense goodness to unsuspecting others. 

We can liken these gestures to hiding Easter eggs or being a secret Santa.  We can leave a finished book in the airport waiting area or leave unused cupons on the store shelf by the product. When waiting in any line extend kindness to everyone in front of or behind us.  Pay it forward any way we can.

Through our actions, we are placing positive energy out into the world where it will ripple across all people, places, and things.  We can place this energy into the money we hold in our hand, releasing any negativity and allowing it to be circulated with loving kindness.  We can fill our office or elevator with loving light to keep our selves and fellow humans safe during the day.  We can extend light within our cars, homes, and favorite places to create a peaceful atmosphere.

We will find our selves feeling better about our life and our world.  We will feel as though we are making a difference even though we are not recognized for our good deeds nor will we necessarily see the positive out comes of our generous giving.

When we end our day, we can have thankful hearts and a sense of gratitude for playing a behind the scenes light giver.  We will sleep well and look forward to the next day when we can be filled with light once again.  We can be making a difference every day!

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