Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Back Off!

"Everyone is entitled to seek out their own path
leading from the darkness into the light."
Daily Om

I know where you are going and where you have been.  I yearn to assist you through your chaos to protect you from thick and thin.  Here, I say, let me hold this flash light to help you on your way.  

There is great injustice in super imposing my life experience upon yours.  No matter how duplicate they may seem, they, indeed, are unique to each one of us.  Individual choice is imperative which adds cadence and hue.

I must back off, allowing you to wander through the darkness to discover your own light.  It is out of deep love that I will cease to hover, but deeply trust that I will be your safe harbor.  I will listen with an open heart as that is what loved ones do.


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