Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Acquiesce No More!

"I made shrinking myself a habit because it
was safer than showing up fully."
Alex Elle

Acquiesce, what a wonderful word! It means to give in without protest. It is what we do, a caving in of sorts, rather than mustering energy to disagree. When we have been worn down or  lose sight of our true nature, we acquiesce.

We are misled into thinking that if we love someone, we are somehow obligated to bow down to their wishes. In partnership, this often is the case, but not if it violates our lovely selves physically, mentally and spiritually.

If our perceptions are not in alignment with others, it does not necessarily mean that we are wrong. It is within articulation that judgment might come. When we give voice to our unique human experience, we acquiesce no more.

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