Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Frivolous Patch

"If you sit and get really quiet, fully expecting
your answer, it has to come."
The Universe 

When we fill our waking hours with anger and dismay, these emotions grow stronger.  If we choose to accept how we feel, and open ourselves to insight, a new direction will materialize. Wherever we place our focus becomes the magnet for what we attract. 

It is interesting how much time we spend on what is going wrong, compared to our attention towards prayer, meditation, and stillness.  It is in the quiet space that we can shift from fear to new direction.

When we take a short cut or apply a frivolous patch, the issue will once again occur.  It is only when we reach out, listen, and apply correction that situations will shift and change.  Light a candle in darkness and ask for guidance, and make certain to listen. 


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