Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Vigilant In Search

"The Spring Equinox traditionally clears out the old and
helps usher in the new energies of Spring."
Carol Farr

The Spring Equinox invites us to let go of stagnant issues and to plant seeds for clarity, joy, and new growth.  We are beckoned forward to see beauty in all things and to be vigilant in the search for rebirthing and renew.

We carefully choose seeds to be gently planted in our sacred ground.  As landscapers, we will be diligent in weeding out what no longer thrives and caring for budding opportunities of joy and fulfillment.

Winds of change can transport us, if we are willing to trust and let go.  New horizons welcome the strong of heart, where opportunities await the tilling of the soil.  While we listen to intuition and guidance, action is taken towards the rising of beauty within our soul. 


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