Thursday, March 23, 2023

Profound Support System


"Honest friends are doorways to our souls, and
loving friends are the grasses that soften the world."
Mark Nepo

Outside influences either curb or enhance our emotional responses. Whether we are offended or supported by opinions of others or inside chatter, we have a tendency to falter. In depletion, we fall behind; whereas, if too inflated, we get lost.

Friends are mirrors to our soul and this is why we need to choose wisely.  Those who gather around us assist us in navigating our world.  We have never been meant to navigate life alone. This does not mean a partner is required, but a support system is profound.

When we speak our truth to trusted companions, we experience the addition of a vibration of sound.  We are offered a visual of the physical reaction of those who have heard.  This offers opportunity to both expand and gently impact our world. 

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