Monday, March 20, 2023

Signs Along The Way

"To enjoy your goals, think of them as signposts,
pointing you in a certain direction."
Shakti Gawain

Do not singularly focus on the end prize, but rather enjoy the journey as you travel towards it. Notice the gifts hidden in nook and crannies, lingering above and slightly covered below.  There is so much beauty to be enjoyed as we notice aspects of life as it unfolds.

The mini joys we experience along the way, strengthens our understanding and encourages actions that will eventually support us in the greater picture.  Little nuggets appearing to be insignificant can grow in importance with the passing of time.

Replacing narrow focus with broad awareness, the lessons in life are readily accessible. When we are not spearheaded, appreciation for the layers of living are respected and renewed.  We are opened to a fuller spectrum of wisdom rather than just one selected goal.


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