Thursday, March 30, 2023

Not Just You

"The new perspective gives different information
and you will feel the truth and resonance of it."
Terry Andrews

When you step back from a situation, noticing a more in depth scenario, greater understanding arrives.  With new eyes, you begin to see beyond the drama and into the heart of the exchange.  You see through the hurt and into the lesson which will become a gain.

Removing the ego, you gain clarity about the presence of divine wisdom. It is within this expansiveness that you begin to feel resonating energy which confirms that you are transcending. You begin to recognize how the situation impacts all involved, not just you.

The awareness of divine connection escalates the desire to act with integrity and join in the creation of peace on earth.  You experience less distraction and increased purpose for all, not  individual gain. You experience a new way of being and a greater sense of belonging.


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