Friday, February 3, 2023

Jet Black Ink


"The only way to create peace in your 
experience is to become peaceful."
Sheila Reynolds

Dark thoughts are like jet black ink spreading across a pristine page. They bleed from the immediate moment into unlit hallways of the past, casting increments of pain.  Regret, sorrow, and shame are reawakened by our chosen condescending thoughts.

It is when we make the conscious choice to remove the thick black ink and glance beyond the seemingly permanent stain, that light begins to come in.  As we place our attention on the positive, we expand our inner glow.

When we hold ourselves accountable for what thoughts we feed our mind, we experience a sense of control and the ability to adjust our state of mind.  Align inner thoughts with positive action, maintain a sense of inner peace, and watch life begin to shine. 

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