Friday, February 10, 2023

"Chink In The Armor"


"Blessed be my feet that I may walk
in the path of my highest will."
Robin Morgan

There are times in our lives when we choose a path, but our feet somehow lead us in a different direction.  We believe we are signing up for a particular assignment, then later discover we are not only way off our intended course, but in an entirely different field. 

Decisions can be best formulated when aligned with our deepest desires.  We can question if they will be in accordance with our highest good.  Will the commitment support wise action and enhanced outcome? 

Agreements made in the heat of a moment may be the proverbial 'chink in the armor'. Exploration of where we want to go and what we are searching for, helps to refine our commitment.  Place the feet upon the path beckoning the body, mind, and spirit.

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