Thursday, February 23, 2023



"If I let folks whose actions are ill-intentioned
distract me from my work and creativity, I  will find 
myself stuck, misaligned, and unfulfilled."
Alex Elle

With disbelief, we watch humans trample over the existence of others, but it can be tempered by also noticing the loving kindness of those who arrive to assist.  It is where we choose to place our focus that impacts the temperament of our lives.  

Choosing to walk away is never a sign of surrender.  Actually, it may require more strength to turn around to face a new direction, but the rewards will be of highest value.  By rising above the disrespectful actions, we will empower the self and set an example for others. 

In negative situations, we may feel called to use our voice or assist in correction.   We have free will to make a choice as to how we want to extend our core nature.  It is important to be aware of life unfolding, and where we best can respond with affirmative action.

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