Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Invitation

"I am the owner of my choices.
I am the source for the perspectives 
I choose to hold ..."
Mary Anne Radmacher

There was a time I humbly prayed to God. I would ask for random circumstances to be altered or for strength to face life.  I felt very alone, not knowing if my requests were in my best interest or not.  Often  I wondered if my desires were pathetic or extreme.  

Now, I warmly invite God or Spirit to please come into my life.  I have found my invitation raises my level of communication with the spiritual realm.  I welcome Spirit into my day, to walk with me and keep me conscious of my path.

I have come to believe that God truly wants to be in our life.  If we pay attention, we will feel a nudge in a certain direction or an impulse to do a kind deed.  God, spirits, angels or guides surround us just waiting to be invited into our present moment.  Initiate the invitation!

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