Sunday, July 11, 2021

Force of Light

"The dearest things in life cannot be owned,
but only shared."
Mark Nepo 

Mark Nepo shares, "As soon as we start to separate what cannot be separated, our mental health will suffer."  He references how the flow of life can be interrupted, but at cost.  When we divert our intentions from our highest good, we delay our journey.

Mark Nepo speaks of how love, compassion, and kindness cannot be 'owned'.  He says they are meant for sharing, not coveting for our selves alone.  When we stay in our natural flow, competitiveness, jealousy, and negative intentions tend to be avoided.

First, we fill our lovely selves with love, compassion and kindness. Second, we let our light shine out into the world.  Third, we intentionally share our qualities with others silently or through action.  It is through gathering together that we will become one force of light entering peace.


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