Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Stand In My Own Light

"Blessed is the influence of one true,
loving human soul on another."
Author Unknown

A constant in my life has been the yearning to understand others.  Each individual has a unique aspect to offer with the responsibility to expand, enhance, and positively encourage the blessing given to them. By seeing the gift in others we have the opportunity to stretch and grow.

Believing in the goodness of all people, I am forever curious to discover the light in others.  The downside, however, I may see the goodness prior to the development within the person.  Far too many times I have been hood winked into vulnerability when boundaries would have served me better.

The reaction to a negative exchange is not judgment, but finding the aspect within myself to better deflect unearned trust.  The goal is not to enlighten the other, but to strongly reflect the strength of light residing in me.  To stand in my own light, I can better attract sincere loving human beings.

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