"The world is made up of stories;
it's not made up of facts."
Rachel Naomi Remen
At some point, a person begins to speculate. He or she may keep research hidden or quiet, but an unsettling begins to disturb the smug sense of security. Early beliefs about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny may fall to the way side, but then rushing to the surface comes documentation regarding who really discovered America and what really happened to the natural inhabitants of our country.
Children are impressionable and usually trust the words of adults without filters or doubt. Even if they feel a twinge of question, never would a child be rude and question what is being spoon fed to them. Unfortunately, the spinning of yarns has been practiced over decades of time. As intelligence expanded with tools far reaching beyond the average man, censored reporting began to re-frame the truth.
What is our truth? The feelings resonated within our hearts are they based on actual experience, truth or fiction? How easily we believe the media or base our position upon one side of the story! Is our own personal history in alignment with other family members? We have our own stories edited by experiences or filters or simply by turning our heads. Our perceptions may have particles of truth, but our mind tends to protect our heart.
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