Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Face Desired Direction

"In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.
Everything that comes out of me is authentically me."
Virginia Satir 

There are numerous layers of authenticity, so it is not as though we are just one thing.  We are individual, but we remain complex.  What we once were may never be visited again; yet, we may enhance that particular aspect and be spectacular!  Being authentic does not infer we are cloned in any certain way.

The pulsing necessity is searching inward to discover what really excites and inspires.  With that in mind, we turn back to the outer world discovering just where those parts of us can be stimulated.  Our energy will flow more fluently when we are facing the desired direction.

How will we recognize a pivotal opportunity unless we are nurturing possibility?  The point is not to be narrowly focused and missing a creative landscape of adventure.   When we have a larger canvass we can expand ideas while experimenting with a wild array of color.  Fortune is sometimes in the midst of accidentally blended color rather than single brushes of  primary color.

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