Monday, February 8, 2016

Truth Teller

"If you do catch yourself in a lie, 
ask yourself what you wanted to hide 
and why you felt you couldn't be truthful."
Madisyn Taylor

 I may find myself literally biting my tongue to keep myself from lying.  What I see as my truth may be too abrasive or too premature to be appreciated.  I keep nodding my head, intently listening, 
until I am put on the spot to say something.  I don't want to lie which I find disrespectful 
to the person as well as to myself.  I abhor dishonesty, but there are situations 
where questions  are directly pointed like Cupid's arrow and it is clearly 
understood what response is required. 

 Discerning motivation or intention unravels the element of deception.  If I am dishonest, 
who will be  protected ... myself or the person asking the question?  If I am  
being disingenuous is my intention to profit or harm?  Whose ego is being stroked  
and is it worth the cost of honor?  I will abstain best as I can as 
there is no justification in altering the truth.

I am a truth teller and choose to respond with compassion.  If I give in to the smallest 
lure of gossip, I am immediately disappointed in myself. There is no need to judge 
others. Whether we understand or not, our speculation is not necessary.  
When we remain aligned with who we are in our heart, 
it is easier to be a truth teller.

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