Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dismantle Blockades


"Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it ... "


The layers of protection we build around our hearts may keep love at bay, but these barriers restrict all levels of love.  To regard love strictly as romance is like viewing food as desserts only.   It can be wise to limit desserts or romance, but there is no need to stop eating or loving entirely.

We hide behind barriers whether we are consciously aware of them or not. Like spies behind a darkened wall, we watch the suspicious behaviors of those who might harm us.  We go down our imaginary check list, tallying points of acceptability while ego fills us with dread and fear.

Author of THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, Gary Zukav encourages his readers not to ask who can be the best partner, but to focus on what kind of partner we shall be.  It is when we create a deep appreciation for ourselves and acknowledge our personal value and power, we can dismantle our blockades.  When we are confident in what sort of partner we are willing to be, we will attract like minded prospects.  Perhaps the most vital point is not to lower our own sense of integrity nor give up our realistic goals.  No longer hide, but go proudly out into the world prepared for love to find you.

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