Thursday, November 11, 2021

Recognizing Loss

"Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bares
his country's cause.  Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for 
his brother in the field and serves, as he bests can, the same cause."
Abraham Lincoln

Gratitude is extended to all men and women who protect, nurture and enhance the lives of human beings wherever they happen to be.  Numerous individuals and groups have persisted in an effort to maintain peaceful living.

Appreciation is extended to the families and extended relations who have learned to both accept and adapt to the loss of a loved one.  Their sacrifices often go unnoticed, and prayers are offered for their bravery.

Compassion is extended to those who lost everything as a result of war.  Encumbered  by addictions, homelessness, PTSD, there are those who are left without respect, dignity, and praise.  Efforts can be made by financial contributions directly to appropriate organizations.  At the very least, offer food, necessities or volunteer at local facilities as a means of personal service.

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