Friday, November 5, 2021

Walking the Plank

"How can I surrender 
when I don't know what will happen?"
Janet Conner

If we do not see the choices before us or cling to repetitive actions that do not offer satisfaction, our lives will remain rigidly stunted.  One must have both faith and trust when walking the plank, unaware of the outcome and realizing there is not a safety net.

If we can visualize an ocean front pier stretching before us, and feel comforted by the solidity of the sand on either side, we are more confident in moving towards the flow of life. The ocean breeze relaxes us into movement while waves beckon us forward.

Silence offers us a voice to be heard.  If we but listen to the voice (verses listening to the ego), expand our lungs with deep breaths (verses stifling chaotic gasps),  and embrace eclectic thoughts (verses preconceived ideas), we will be well on our way to discovery!


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