Sunday, November 14, 2021

Anonymously Caring for the Earth


Over the weekend, I noticed movement in the centering space where neighbors have pit fires, birthday celebrations, and outdoor movies.  One neighbor appeared spreading grass seed around this gathering spot.  A few hours later, a different neighbor put fertilizer on the ground. Then after lunch,  I noticed that someone else had set out a rotating sprinkler.

There was something about these activities that nourished my soul.  Watching others anonymously caring for the earth, instilled hope for human kindness to spread across our world. Each of us can choose a simple act that may send a ripple out to others.

Now, days later, it is Mother's Nature turn to engage as she sprinkles rain down upon us.  I feel like I am growing with tenderness as the world spins on its own axis.  There is no need to be revolutionaries or heroic warriors.  We are simply called to join in being care takers of the ground we stand upon.

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