Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Home In The Light

"looking up
she saw her sky
and followed its light
out of the darkness."
terri st cloud

Whether a vision or a dream, messages will have no meaning to us if we are not open to the possibility of insightful exchange.  All I know for sure ... I was walking down a sunlit path lined with trees with branches arching over the road.  I was walking up an incline which seemed to lead out into an infinity of light.  

The earth somehow fell beneath my feet and I was suspended in a ceiling of warm lovely light.  It was not like the sun was beating down upon me, but as though the sky had become an eternal layer of heavenly golden light.  A bird slowly dipped past by made entirely of pure light and I began to notice all of the other unlined shapes surrounding me.

As I gazed downward, I could see the tops of the trees with the enlightened path below.  How strange to be floating outside of the physical, weightless, and yet filled with gentle peace.  It was then the message clearly surfaced.  We are all loving light in the realms above separated only by a layer of darkness hovering near the earth.  As earth beings we increase the light within us to heal our shadows in hopes of ascending through the branches to our home in the light.

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