Saturday, December 2, 2017

Destination with GPS

"I don't know whether you can look at your past and find,
like the hidden symbols on a treasure map,
the path that will point to your final destination."
Jodi Picoult
Handle with Care

The GPS in a car is a marvelous invention; but I do not always trust it, nor do I know precisely how to use it.  It is a life saver when traveling in unfamiliar places, but just how accurate is it?  Just for practice, I will set the destination for an area I frequently travel.  I will chuckle at the suggested instructions, and laugh harder as it neutrally states, "At the next possible road turn left," followed by the all too familiar "recalculating".

With careful observation, I compare this routine to the reality of life.  I ask for help when I am lost, but I do not necessarily follow the enlightened version of travel.     Adjusting the directions way too soon, I miss the experience intended for me.  I have a preconceived notion of the path to follow which leads me astray.

I am hoping that my next Honda will have Morgan Freeman giving GPS information.  I am much more likely to follow his lead.  Doubtful that will happen and equally doubtful will I receive a perfect mentor who will lead me directly to my life purpose.   In both situations, I need to be looking with precise clarity, and an open heart to recognize the hidden symbols while I travel on my way.

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