Wednesday, December 13, 2017

WOMEN: 20,000 Words per Day

"Previous research by Louann Brizendine at the 
University of California found that women speak an average 
of 20,000 words daily compared to only 7,000 words for men."

Women speak an average of 20,000 words per day.   With the intention of encouraging women to both find and use their voices, I created this blog, Virginia's Voice in April 2010.  I decided to focus on  three areas to initiate curiosity and engagement . 

Articulating Silence motivates women to voice their personal truth whether it is expressed through the written word, art or speaking.  Women contain 20,000 words that need to be expressed in one day.   How do we express our lovely self?  Where do we place our words?Shouting or yelling in sudden bursts of anger or extending kindness to all encountered?

Deciphering Dreams offers us symbols of emotions or scenarios we avoid during the day.  So repressed words purge themselves in dreams.  What is lingering beneath our surface?  Start paying attention to dreams and be amazed at what they reveal.

Exploring Inner Landscapes directs us to our core.  Setting labels, identification, and masks aside, what authentic value or worthiness do we offer our family or community or world?  If we can communicate with our soul and strip away what no longer fits, the purpose of life becomes apparent.

Think about who you are and what you would like to express.  Determine if your skill is with writing, art, or music.  Experiment and start small.  Do not wait for the perfect day, begin now.   As you utilize your lovely voice, your sense of value and worthiness will dynamically 

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