Thursday, November 30, 2017

Uplift the Lonely Soul

"This life is full of trials and tribulations,
so you have to capture humor whenever
you can find it."
Steven Callahan


Virginia's Voice originated with the intention to connect with others using three categories:  Articulating Silence, Deciphering Dreams, and Exploring Inner Landscapes.  Each post is an attempt to encourage the use of the voice whether speaking words slightly mumbled, out loud, or expressed through any of the arts.  These words are not offered to convince the reader one way or the other.  What is shared is to challenge the reader to think about whether or not he or she agrees, disagrees or has never thought these thoughts before.  

Virginia's Voice is written with deliberate effort to offer words to help all of us evolve. Quotes set the tone of the post.  The post might be funny, sad or opaque, but there are words within to nudge the reader to think, laugh, or cry  and to become aware of what resides inside of us.  It is a personal message hoping to nurture the reader.  The blog originated in October of 2010 and will continue to share stories or ideas until there readers diminish in numbers.

Virginia's Voice shares stories about the trials and tribulations of life.  The words are an effort to engage the reader so they do not feel alone on whatever journey they are partaking.  The reader hopefully becomes aware of the necessity of speaking out, recognizing symbols in dreams, and searching for the heart's desire.  All said and done, I hope my quirky sense of humor uplifts the lonely soul.

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