Monday, November 20, 2017

Random Movements

"All the time, I looked out our lattice window, 
I watched the birds fly by.  I followed the  clouds
on their travels.  I studied the moon as it grew larger,
then shrank.  So much happened outside my window
that I almost forgot what was happening inside that room."
Lisa See
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

It is equally important to follow the clouds in the sky as it is to follow our inner yearnings.  We live in alignment when we learn from our worldly surroundings as well as our inner discoveries.  One does not replace the other.  Wholeness is created when we can blend our diverse interests with harmony.

As we allow judgment to fall away, our senses are free to innocently experience whatever attracts our attention.  When our blinders are removed we begin to see through the old sludge and into the new horizons.  The key is to look beyond and embrace the subtle beauty as it lifts our entire being.

There may be a piece of jewelry or a painting we could never get quite right on our wrist or wall.  Then a friend adjusts it with random movement and the entire piece awakens.  The shift is so obvious we wonder how we had overlooked it for so long.  Life is just like that ... a random movement adjusts what has been long out of place.

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