Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Celebrating Life With A Happy Ending

Celebrating Life with Ronald H. Triplett

Happy Birthday Renaissance Man!

November 14, 2017

"I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand
and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow.  I wish I had a thousand 
words for love,  but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me 
while you sleep and there are no words for that."   
Brian Andreas

Love pierced my wounded heart and as it split open, a reflection of myself spread across the endless horizon.  It was not a mirror image, but a collection of small particles of passion that had been hidden by the darkness in my heart. Then I was running across the dried parchment of past life, joyfully gathering each tiny piece, tucking it back into my heart.  

When full, I turned with love, and saw myself in your face.  I had never before felt a person loving me with such respect, strength and gentleness.  The man I called friend so many years ago, the one  with the resonating voice and the deep eyes beholding reverence for my soul, danced before me with open arms extending into eternity.

This renaissance man is my long awaited happy ending.  He intrigues me with his diversity, insight and willingness to invest laughter, romance, and dreams.   As I drift into his arms, I am no longer afraid, as he is my home.  He is the other half of me, soul mate if you will, and we weep with joy to be sharing this life together with sweet bliss for ever more.

Happy Birthday 
November 14, 1973 

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