Monday, March 28, 2022


"Sometimes you have to wait 
in the dark
For what seems like forever."
Leyla Aylin

Paul Simon is the musical composer of the smash hit, THE SOUND OF SILENCE. It contains the  lyric, "Hello darkness my old friend."  Perhaps this prompts us to greet the dark, but lessen the emotional reaction by maintaining the larger picture.

Darkness may be unavoidable, but it can be minimized.  If we can view the dark as part of the larger picture or as a segment of a greater equation, we can be increasingly fluid in our processing.   When we dismiss the temptation to repress, we can discover positive forward motion in alignment.

We can hold an image of approaching a tunnel with an open heart, passing through the tunnel with insight, and peacefully exiting the other side.  When we remain aware that darkness is one part of the whole, it can be balanced.


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