Thursday, March 31, 2022

Invited Guests: Khalil Gibran, Jesus, Albert Einstein, Robin Williams

"People are guests in our story, the same way we are guests in theirs.
But we all meet each other for a reason because every person
is a personal lesson waiting to be told."
Lauren Klarfeld

My idea to invite mentors to dinner originated from the Johnny Carson Show.  Johnny asked a guest who he would like to meet in person, whether dead or alive.  Somehow that idea remained lodged in my creative imagery for years to come.

Khalil Gibran dominated my younger years through both his dark and insightful writings.  The fact that he was strangely complicated encouraged me.  Jesus was a life support system early on, but it wasn't until midlife I longed to know His truth minus religious doctrines.  

Albert Einstein was a surprise to me as I thought of him as a scientist only.  The broader my horizons, the more I discovered his multi sided character.  Then Robin Williams.  Although outlandishly vibrant, few truly heard his inner cry.  

I desire to seat these four men at my table for a discussion of life as they knew it then and as they now understand it.  I want to serve them a lavish meal to eavesdrop and absorb every last uttered syllable and nuance.  Yes, these would be my Invited Guests!


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