Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hidden Again

"Nothing in the world is hidden forever."
Wilkie Collins

We may place a smile across our face to hide the disappointment we feel in the moment.  If we suffer a particular loss, we may closet our deep feelings away, so no one sees them.  Reactions from disrespect, lack of honor or deceit may be stuffed down behind our awareness to be avoided and ignored.

In truth, all of the actions mentioned above, eventually work their way up to the surface.  Anger like black tar may grossly slime its way forward or the pain of loss demands to be  recognized by creating a physical disturbance.  

We may react by pushing our thoughts back into the darkness, but they will continuously surface, wanting to be seen and resolved.  And even when we embrace and understand the challenge behind our hidden emotions,  it is imperative to not forget or we will find them hidden once again.


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