Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Window Shopping in Life


"I don't want to end up simply having visited this world."
Mary Oliver

The word 'visit' sounds temporary, occurring upon the surface, not exploring in depth.  Even if it is an extended stay, unless we utilize all of our senses, we will have missed the authenticity waiting to be explored. It would be as though we were merely window shopping, missing the valuables situated within.

If we are reading a book, do we skip chapters or allow the knowledge to unfold?  If we are painting, do we sprawl color across a canvas and be done or do we complete it with highlights and shadows?  If we are at the beach, do we remain on the sand or do we wet our feet along the shore?

Specifically in this earthly experience, we have choices.  Do we want to stay simply on the surface unattached or stuck in the mire of regret and sorrow?  Do we take time to smell the fragrances and taste the beauty?  Do we listen to the whispers in nature and experience a deep sense of connection?  Life becomes alive with depth when we dance with others and share our stories. 


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