Friday, March 11, 2022

Death As A Gateway

"From my near-death research, and my personal experiences, 
death is, in my judgment, simply a transition into 
another kind of reality."
Raymond Moody 

In preparation for moving, I began packing my numerous books.  I happened across Raymond Moody's work and I spiraled back across the years to when he was a new resource for me.  His words quenched my thirst and enlightened my soul, projecting me to places I never knew existed.

I once again reviewed the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ which was in direct alignment with the research accomplished by Dr. Moody.  We are born into a new life, transitioning into human form and through death, we transition from human form back into spiritual reality.

I have no fear of death as I do not foresee it as an ending.  I see it as a gateway opening to answers I have longed for and a reunion with all who have passed before me.  I anticipate peace and harmony and if I am wrong?  Well, I guess it really won't matter then, will it?


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