Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Celebrate Closure and New Beginnings


"Take some time to complete what is finished."
Lena Stevens

As I leave the past behind, and eagerly anticipate what is yet to come, there remains a need to celebrate the here and now.  It is important to leave with a buoyant heart, releasing any heaviness compiled through both happiness and sorrow.

My process of loss and gain will be an insightful tool if I can maintain a sense of celebration  for what has been without judgment or scorn.  Awareness of lessons can be positively logged into our memory banks without stripping away joy needing to be remembered.

Embracing the decision to move forward, doors readily opened beckoning me to place my feet upon new pathways.  History has taught me to trust the pull attracting me to what is yet to materialize.  So I lift my glass in celebration, honoring my past, present and looming future.

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