Saturday, February 3, 2024



"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are."
Carl Jung

It is important to notice when our feelings are hurt or when we are hurting others. It is equally necessary to notice when we do something good for ourselves or for others. When our intake and outward actions become balanced with our inner senses, we begin to feel the power of being aligned with body, mind, and soul.

We can no longer wait for government or religion to change our world. Whether our personal consciousness is internal or radiating outward, we are being called to be change makers. Recognizing personal worth, we are shifting actions to better our earth through prayer, assistance, and reverence.

Resentment, anger and hate produce nothing but the same. It is through compassion and forgiveness that we begin to move forward with positive improvement. By creating personal intervention, we move forward rather than standing still, believing we cannot be the change we want to see.

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