Sunday, February 4, 2024


"I love people who make me laugh."
Audrey Hepburn

People who make you laugh aught to be a part of your support system. Notice how they differ in appearances and in mindsets.  Make note of individual qualities that you most admire about each individual. Recall incidents when he or she greatly contributed to your peace of mind, especially through belly laughs!

Those who surround us might be from all walks of life reflecting diverse definitions to  humor. You grow from shared laughter, especially when it leads to tears. Friends need to put fun back into friendship. If you no longer experience laughter while pairing with kindred spirits, perhaps it is time to expand your circle.

There are times when your friendships could use some bolstering. When was the last time you shared with your friend just how much they had touched your life? Share the qualities they have that touch your heart. Confirm that in spite of differences, being friends facilitates deeper meaning within your soul. Let laughter strengthen your bonds.

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