Monday, February 26, 2024


"Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving
forward. If you want to fly, you have to give
up what weighs you down."
Roy T. Bennett

Spring is coming and all of nature is showing us it is soon to be time to fly! We need to prepare now, gently spreading our wings in preparation for flight. Lingering shadows need to be exposed, cobwebs cleaned out and negativity set aside. Aspects of the self require refurbishing to increase power for ascent.

We can address the physical by doing morning stretches with yoga or pilates or getting outside for a simple walk.  A healthier diet might also assist us in preparation. Best yet are meditations, visualizations and reconnections with mentors. Create a consistent sleep routine and monitor dreams.

Demonstrating all of these changes, we move forward. Personal power increases and we find our lovely selves expanding both internally and externally. We are prepared to listen and to be heard. With curiosity we allow ourselves to be lifted into uncharted terrains. All is good in our world and we are perfectly prepared to fly!

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