Thursday, February 22, 2024

Shining Light

"Your balance of wit, charm, and intelligence ...
Your measures of endurance, strength and stamina ...
Your depths of sensitivity, passion, and leanings ...
They were not proportioned accidentally."
The Universe

Standing before a magnificent painting, the artist readily points out tiny errors barely recognizable. Viewing a remarkable memoir, the author highlights passages poorly written. Embracing the light from the rising sun, one does not hear, "Oh, this morning I am totally off~centered and way too bright!" 

What skill do you have and how do you ridicule it? Do you ever hear your lovely self say, "Wow! I rocked it!"  How often do you hide your creative expression from others? Does it take the same amount of energy to project criticism as it does to offer praise? Does the Divine appreciate how you minimize the gifts you are born with?

If you are not honoring personal desire and consistently ignore yearnings, life is probably not creatively supporting you. If you are not shining light upon your strengths, darkness will create shadows hiding elements that could bring you inspiration, fulfillment, peace, and communication with all there is. Your abilities are not an accident.


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