Friday, February 23, 2024

Page Turner

"Life has many different chapters for us.
One bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book."
Edenia Archuleta 

We can visualize our life as a book containing numerous chapters which reflect physical growth, mental challenges, and soul searching. We can browse back and forth between chapters, experiencing the content in a different context. As we reawaken to our words once spoken and our actions once made, we become stronger and more determined.

Wherever we are, be it ecstasy or sorrow, the situation will not last. Each chapter has an ending, but this does not mean the same subject matter won't appear again. We begin to see how our character shifts from one page to another and how our words do not always align with what we carry out into the world.

Like any book, we may favor one chapter over one other, but there is an overall image created by the entire volume. It is when we remember that we are not just one thing, rigid, and tainted. but an accumulation of life experiences impacting us personally, collectively, and yes, even globally. 

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